2004 Evansville KISS Expo
Dealer Information

The sale of bootleg VHS & DVD is forbidden.

Dealer tables are $75 for the first table and $65 for each additional table if payment is postmarked on or before April 30, 2004.
Send your payment to the address below,
payable to ALLEN TATE.
Dealer tables are $90 for the first table and $80 for each additional table for payments postmarked between May 1, 2004 until the week before the Expo. I recommend that you not mail payment within one week of the Expo. If you want to pay the week before, please use PayPal.
PO BOX 15992
EVANSVILLE, IN 47716-0992
Dealer tables are $100 for the first table and $90 for each additional table on the day of the Expo. Please note that personal checks will not be accepted within one week prior to the Expo.
Note that personal check require 7 days to clear.

To request a dealer packet, please fill out the form below. Please note that I have included pictures of the crowd from the last Expo so you can see how big the crowd was.

Expo Details | Directions to the Expo | Dealer Table Information
2003 Expo Review | Buy Expo Passes/Tickets | Buy Expo Shirts


2003 Evansville Expo Crowd
2003 Evansville Expo Crowd
2003 Evansville Expo Crowd
2003 Evansville Expo Crowd